Client Experiences

“I did a lot of what I thought was in-depth work on myself, but I never got full resolution on things. They were better, but they weren’t fixed. When I started my work with LA, it was both faster and easier than any therapy or other work on myself had been.

The results were amazing.

I saw huge, positive changes in my happiness, my relationships and my income.

Almost immediately I went from resolving issues to working with LA to create the things in my life I had only dreamed of before. When people marvel at how much I’ve accomplished in such a short time, I am honored to share how they helped.”

—Consultant, Speaker, Author

“Working with LA was definitely life-changing.

I was stuck when I started working with them. I was grinding over each step of my life and it was limiting, stressful, and exhausting. I have been to traditional therapists for many years and it takes a lot of time and talking to reach what LA could spot quickly. LA had a phenomenally strong intuitive sense of where my blocks were and what I needed to help me see them for myself and release them.

They’ve helped me live into the life that I knew was possible but was frustrated that I wasn’t quite able to reach.”

—President, Procurement Company

“Speaking with LA validated so many instinctive beliefs.

Knowing of a universe surrounded and enveloped in loving energy and support gave me the courage to press forward from a world where I saw hurt and despair. I moved to a place where the energy of love is powerful and tangible. The verbal validation from LA about things I suspected to be true was an amazing catalyst opening my eyes to the powerful and loving energy that surrounds me every day! I am better for the time spent validating my suspicions and overcoming my fears.

My mindset changed to see and allow all the opportunities coming my way.”

—Chief Revenue Officer, Software Company

“At almost 50, I still felt like something was missing. I had achieved all the things I wanted but still felt empty.

LA helped me uncover experiences I’d never addressed that were holding me back, deal with them and the relief and joy that brought me gave me the courage to do things I’d never felt I could do before.”

—Board Member, Non Profit

 “When I began work with LA, I felt like I was in a pretty good place. I was living with my family on a forested property I had always dreamed of, I was the CEO of a healthy company, and I woke up each morning to do work I loved. I thought I would simply grow more and become a stronger person. I had no idea how many blocks I had put in my own life. I had no idea how far I was from truly loving myself and living out of that incredible power. In a matter of months, I moved so far from where I began, it was almost unrecognizable. Every area of my life expanded and I realized that I had kept myself from listening to what I truly wanted because I felt it would be too selfish for me to want more. The life I live today feels like a world away from where I began. I live in flow to a far greater degree and I work out of inspired action, rather than hustling to get things done.

As a result, the growth I’ve seen in my relationships, in our company, and in my personal finances is significantly higher while the effort to make it happen is so much lighter.

Speaking with them has been one
of the greatest gifts of my life.”

—CEO, Media Company

“Speaking to LA gave me a clearer understanding about myself, and I was able to reach a deeper level of peace.

The effects have been a grace in
my life for me and my family.”

—Owner, Martial Arts Studio